How to Travel in Good Health

As a healthcare professional with a penchant for travel, I strongly believe in the health benefits of traveling. Vacationing is a great way to relax, reduce stress and enjoy time with loved ones.

However, Harvard Business Review recently listed several risks to those who travel for business, including an increased risk of suffering a stroke or heart attack, a correlation to unhealthy lifestyles, higher stress levels and sleep problems.

With all these added risks, it is important for travelers to maintain healthy habits while away from home, as I’ve said before. Whether your travels are occupational or recreational, here are some tips for staying healthy while you travel:

  1. Stay hydrated. Staying hydrated is an easy way to keep your immune system strong while traveling. While drinking lots of water is an obvious solution, limiting alcohol intake is equally important. Stay hydrated and swap that glass of wine on the plane for a bottle of water instead.
  1. Sleep is your friend. Sleep is usually at the back of our minds on a jam-packed trip. Among obvious health benefits of adequate sleep, a lack of sleep can lead to feeling hungry even if you aren’t. Get seven to eight hours of sleep nightly to avoid overeating!
  1. Don’t overindulge. Many people look at travel time as a chance to overindulge in food and alcohol. While it may seem appealing at first, overindulging often leaves us feeling guilty and our bodies bloated. Order smaller portion sizes to eliminate the temptation to overindulge.

Traveling is not an excuse to completely derail a diet plan or sleep schedule. While traveling does disrupt daily routines, use the tips above to stay healthy on your next trip. You’ll leave your vacation feeling refreshed – not like you need a vacation from your vacation.