Essential Oils for Your Daily Needs

Essential oils are the trendy way to do aromatherapy. From applying externally on pressure points to steaming them throughout a room, these tiny bottles of oil can provide so many benefits. With so many options available, it can be hard to determine which oil is for you.

Looking for a scent to tackle a specific problem? Here are some of my favorite remedies:

Chamomile—Just like the tea, this essential oil is great for relieving anxiety and stress.

Lavender—Another soothing sent, lavender is commonly used to rid of headaches!

Rosemary—Feeling distracted at work? Rosemary is known for increasing memory and improving focus.

Peppermint—Perfect for the mid-afternoon slump, use this scent boosts energy and mood.

Tea tree—One of the most versatile oils, pick up some tea tree if you need to soothe skin inflammation and irritation.

I hope these suggestions can help you incorporate essential oils into your daily life!