Tips for Raising a Friendly Dog


Dogs have a reputation as man’s best friend that is undeniably true. They lower our blood pressure with their cute looks, make us laugh with their funny behavior, and, most importantly, shower us with puppy love that brightens our day. As cute as they can be, raising a well-behaved puppy is no easy feat. As an animal lover myself, I have a few tips for fostering good behavior that will make your dog a better friend to you and anyone you encounter together.

  1. Exercise often. A dog without exercise is a dog with pent-up energy. Excess energy is a breeding ground for bad behavior, whether it be demolishing your couch, chewing your favorite loafers, or jumping on passersby. To help your dog let off some steam, try taking him or her on a walk before work in the morning and after you get home in the afternoon.
  2. Socialize with other dogs. If you have a little extra time on your hands, the dog park is another great place to let your puppy run out some energy while also imparting another vital skill: socialization. Isolated dogs can be difficult to deal with and, in some cases, dangerous. By bringing your dog to the dog park, he or she will become more comfortable around unknown canines while also letting out some steam.
  3. Socialize with humans. To ensure that your puppy grows up to be people-friendly, it is vital that you take them at a young age into public to encounter folks of all shapes and sizes. By spending some time around those they don’t know, your puppy is learning that not every stranger is a threat, while also becoming more comfortable with children and adults approaching them. Next time you go to the coffee shop, bring your furry friend along for the ride!
  4. Teach basic commands. Teaching basic commands like sit and stay is an important element of good puppy behavior. No dog is perfect, and occasionally your dog might attempt to eat something it shouldn’t or try jumping on someone in a fit of excitement. Having the ability to command your dog to sit or lay down is to be capable of redirecting them from bad behavior quickly.

I hope these tips are helpful to you in your dog training ventures. The most important thing to remember when training a dog is patience and not taking bad behavior personally. With good tricks for better behavior like these up your sleeve, you will end up with a better puppy and a happier you!

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